• Lieder können fliegen

    Songtexte schreiben – Masen Abou-Dakn

    Was macht einen Pop-Song aus und worin besteht der Unterschied zum klassischem Lied? Sabine Bergk spricht mit Masen Abou-Dakn über Herangehensweisen im Kreativprozess. Masen unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren das Songtexten an der Popakademie in Mannheim. Euch allen ein glückliches Neues Jahr 2025!!

    Wiegenlied – Moritz Eggert

    Romantic poetry has been attracting many composers with its musical colours. In his „Wiegenlied“, Moritz Eggert picked a poem by Clemens Brentano to dive deeply into the dark moments of romanticism. Sabine Bergk talks with Moritz about lullabies in turbulent times. We wish you a wonderful Christmas!

    The Voice of Desire – Judith Weir

    Bird song and art song are very close, even though birds know better than we do. Judith Weir talks with Sabine Bergk about the refreshing and optimistic power of music. Welcoming the day, as it is written in Robert Bridges poem „Nightingales“ – that Judith set into music in her song cycle „The Voice of Desire“ – might be close to welcoming every moment in Zen Buddhism. Just one moment or even one chord can be more than you would ever think, if you start exploring it.